Monday, July 25, 2011

31 minutes @ the treadmill...

It was a more than harder 31:19 mins @ the treadmill... the workout below,

5 min brisk walk,
3 min jog,
1.5 min walk,
5 min jog,
2.5 min walk, (did 1.5 mins instead)
3 min jog, (got kind of tired by the end of this one)
1.5 min walk, (did 2.5 mins to recoup)
5 min jog, (wasn't really sure I'd pull this one off, but I did)
2.5 min walk, (walked about 5 mins after this)
walk enough to complete 2 miles.

I wasn't really sure I'd pull this walk-run off this time, but I did. I'll be repeating this workout every other day until I'm able to do this without losing my breath (or it's feels less strained).

Tonight I believe I will do the walk-punch routine...

Saturday, July 23, 2011

50 minute workout

Today I went up to 50 minutes and 3 miles by warming out 5 minutes, 20 minute punch-walk routine and 20 minute run-walk.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

30 minute walk with weighted punches.

It's been 3 walk-runs already, 30 minutes each. As I type this, my shaky hands from the last 30-minute walk don't allow me to do it properly. These last two walk runs having been different from the program mentioned early. In the one before last, I picked up my baby for the first fourteen minutes, and jogged for about six minutes in one minute jog, one minute walk intervals. This last one consisted in a 30 minute walk, throwing punches carrying a one-pound weight in each hand, 120 punches per minute. Hence the shaky hands.

I hope I'm box ready soon. I intend to do a 30-minute jog/walk tonight more according to the program, but let's see. I might do the 30 minute jog every other day, and the 30-minute jog/walk on the following days.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Del sofa a los cinco kilómetros

Ahora que me he comprado mi nueva caminadora, me topé con un post de de como pasar de huevonazo o couch potato a corredor de 5k. No creo que represente un gran reto, y de hecho, este segundo entrenamiento de la semana fue de lo más tranquilo.